Vegan Zen Macrobiotic

Macrobiotics is the art of health and longevity through

the study and understanding of the relationship

between ourselves, the foods we eat, the lifestyles we choose to lead, and the environments in which we live

The energetically balanced Macrobiotic diet of organic

whole grains and pulses are both nutritionally and

environmentally sound.

The healing properties of Macrobiotic foods can help

you to achieve greater vitality, virility, mental clarity

and self-development.

Eating Macrobiotically has a profoundly positive

impact on your personal health, and on

the health of our planet, too.

Typical Macrobiotic meal comprises whole

grains or noodles, legumes (beans, peas and lentils),

land and sea vegetables, nuts or seeds and

various condiments.

We use seasonal organic vegetables, and wherever possible locally or regionally grown.

We do not recommend the use of dairy, sugar or

other refined or denatured foods such as

hydrogenated oils and fats.

We use grain syrup to achieve a natural sweet taste

and choose foods rich in vegetable protein such as seitan (wheat protein), tempeh or tofu.

The ideal consists of combining diverse

sources of protein




